When you create an estate plan, you decide what legacy you leave behind when you die. Typically, people worry about providing for their loved ones and fairly distributing their assets. A will or estate plan outlines your last wishes and describes what should happen to...
Estate planning
Who needs to worry about estate taxes in Arizona?
You need information about many different matters to craft your estate plan. You need up-to-date information about your assets and debts. You also need to understand the relationships you have with the people you love and that they have with one another. Estate...
Can I Be Named An Executor Of An Arizona Estate If I Live Out Of State?
When someone you love dies in Arizona, their estate is subject to Arizona state probate laws, regardless of where their family members and beneficiaries live. That means their estate will likely have to pass through the Arizona probate courts. Maybe this deceased...
Can Estate Planning Help With Nursing Home Costs?
No one wants to move into a nursing home as they get older. Most people would rather live independently or stay with family members as opposed to living in a communal facility in the care of strangers. However, when someone has pressing medical needs or experiences...
Recognize these 3 red flags in your estate plan
There are many times when an estate plan may not be as effective as it should be. Lacking key components or forgetting to add a specific asset into your estate plan can be problematic. The good news is that you can adjust your estate plan once you recognize the red...
3 reasons to be skeptical of the boom in digital last wills
The internet has revolutionized multiple industries. Information, services and even physical goods are often only a click away. Unfortunately, the internet can't do every industry justice. Although some people are quick to extol the benefits of digital estate...
Estate planning after The SECURE Act
Creating an estate plan typically involves balancing the wishes you have for your own legacy with the legal complications of an inheritance. The best estate plans typically leave detailed instructions for an executor and consider not only personal property and family...
When does a power of attorney lose its authority?
There are circumstances in which you may not be able to handle your own affairs. A serious medical issue that leaves you unconscious, unable to communicate or otherwise incapacitated is a perfect example. In such a scenario, you become dependent on the actions and...
It’s okay to want your child to inherit and not their spouse
When you love your child deeply, you may feel like no one is good enough for them. Unfortunately, your in-law may have proved your fears right over the years. Maybe they've had a string of job losses or a history of infidelity that your child has somehow forgiven....
When should a grandparent advance an inheritance to a grandchild?
You have spent a lifetime building up your personal wealth and resources. You probably want your children and grandchildren to display a similar work ethic. At the same time, you likely have hopes of giving people you love financial resources when you die. Wanting...